Travel Scholarships


Scholarships for PhD students to attend and present their research at annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Warsaw 2-5 September 2025, supported by NAWA PROM [BPI/PRO/2024/1/00020/DEC/1]

Call for Applications

We invite PhD students in Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and related disciplines at institutions outside Poland to apply for funding to attend and present their research at the annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Warsaw 2-5 September 2025.

The purpose of these short-term international mobility grants is to enable you to gain experience of presenting your research to an expert interdisciplinary, international audience, and learn from their questions and comments, to grow your interdisciplinary networks, and to learn from other presentations at the conference.

This Call for Applications is supported by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science (IFiS PAN) and the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR), via the The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) grant PROM Short-term academic exchange (in Polish, PROM- Krótkookresowa wymiana akademicka). For this Call for Applications, we can award up to 11 travel grants for PhD students at universities abroad to participate in the annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology.

General description of the event

The annual conference of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology takes place over four days, with four keynotes talks across philosophy, psychology and linguistics, four invited interdisciplinary symposia, and four afternoons of parallel sessions. The aim of the ESPP is to promote interaction between philosophers and psychologists on issues of common concern. Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists and biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and clinical work that they judge to have philosophical significance; and philosophers are encouraged to engage with the fundamental issues addressed by and arising out of such work. In recent years ESPP sessions have covered such topics as theory of mind, attention, reference, problems of consciousness, introspection and self-report, emotion, perception, early numerical cognition, spatial concepts, infants’ understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery, counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, comparative cognition, minimalism in linguistic theory, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation, action and agency, thought without language, externalism, hypnosis, and the interpretation of neuropsychological results.


The Call is open to doctoral students studying in one of the countries listed in Appendix A in Table A.1 (groups 1-5). Under NAWA rules, Russian citizens are not eligible for funding.

We are inviting students who conduct research in Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and related disciplines to apply. This call promotes equal opportunity for people with disabilities, and adequate gender representation.

Successful applicants are expected to participate in the entire event, while their PhD student status is still active (confirmation of PhD status is required).


NAWA PROM travel grants can be used to cover travel expenses (maximum 2 travel days), living allowance, visa and insurance. The NAWA PROM grant also includes a scholarship of PLN 125/day.

For details on the lump sum allowances for transportation and living costs, see Appendix A. In particular, for Poland, the daily rate of living and accommodation costs equals 300 PLN/day (Group 1 in Table A.2). For travel costs, please refer to Table A.1. Based on the country of your departure, use the indicated lump sums to apply for travel funds.

To apply, please:

  1. Submit a paper here [] for presentation as a talk at the conference.
  2. Fill out the Application Form and provide it together with the following documents:
  3. Rationale for participation in the event (approx. 500 words). Please discuss the benefits of your participation in the event for your dissertation research and your academic career more broadly. In doing so, you are expected to (i) describe what learning outcomes – in terms of new/enhanced knowledge, skills and social competences – you expect to gain from this mobility, and how they complement your current skills; discuss (ii) how the new/enhanced competences will advance your PhD research.
  4. Your current academic Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  5. Document confirming your current enrolment into a PhD program at a Higher Education Institution operating in the country included in groups 1-5 in Table A.1.

The deadline for Applications is Monday, March 3, 2025. For any questions regarding the application process, contact Anna Jędraszkiewicz ( For questions about NAWA PROM funding, contact Zofia Marcinek ( Please include "Travel funding, ESPP 2025" in your email’s subject line.

Evaluation of applications

The ESPP’s expert reviewers of papers submitted for presentation at the conference will assess the quality of your proposed talk. Local organisers and the Programme Committee will then assess the overall quality of your application on the basis of the quality of your proposed talk and your expected learning outcomes. Assessment of applications will also take into account equal opportunities for people with disabilities, and gender diversity.

Obligations for successful applicants

Successful applicants must (1) prior to travelling to Poland, complete the electronic participant form in NAWA’s IT system (via link provided by the local organisers). Once in Poland, you must (2) provide electronically the final version of your presentation bearing the Acknowledgement of NAWA funding support (see Appendix C), and (3) sign the documentation that NAWA and IFiS require for covering your participation costs.

Verification of learning outcomes

According to NAWA and FERS rules, once the conference is completed, a Commission formed of 3 ESPP expert reviewers and the expert in academic exchanges at GSSR will assess your learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and social competences) in comparison to your pre-participation status. The Commission will issue a Certificate of participation, and specify the gained knowledge, skills and social competences that the Conference imparted. The Commission may request additional information from you.